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Darren Laws have you any idea how often my phone is Pikapool Deadpool And Pikachu Fusion Shirt on this one thread. I'm trying to get round to you all, but at the same time as accepting friend requests at a rate that you wouldn't believe. Rosemarie Molloy and labour cost a lot more last time thats that’s why we‘ve Ended up paying it back with austerity. Remember the letter they left saying they‘ve spent everything. short memories. Nige West you've hardly responded to anyone. Put a  face is not an adequate response also what has the number of your friend requests got to do with anything.  Liam Cooke have you any idea how many times this phone is pinging on this one thread alone I'm trying to get round to all of you but at the same time I'm getting friend requests that im dealing with as well. Darren Laws I refer to the joke the outgoing Labour Party made by leaving a note in a drawer at the treasury stating there’s no money left. 

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Who in their right mind would have confidence in any of our self serving politicians of any party. All of them say what they think their voters want to hear and none of them give a damn about the country. That is at least all the ones that are conniving enough to make it to any position of power. Nige West its not just your own phone that is pinging but your failing to grasp is just how desperate you and you ilk are sounding. Richard Hudd You sound very convincing Richard as if you know your stuff there, but I just wonder about the days of Gordon Brown as chancellor. I seem to remember that despite him forever shouting the word "pridence", that he left the countries coffers in a desperate state by the time he left. Whether i am correct there or not, he certainly was one of the most disastrous politicians to ever hit westminster and single handedly did vast damage to the Pikapool Deadpool And Pikachu Fusion Shirt. Dianne Frances take comfort in the knowledge that you're not alone, there are a few more like you.
