All Rappers Go To Heaven Tee

if used but still virgins...are we talking like ppl who've been to third base like a million times or something? Mike Skeel
I know, it sucks, cause when I'm cruisin down it, I'm lookin for adventure in whatever comes my way. Heard the budget's so bad Downstairs that they can't even keep the Eternal Damnation Flames at full blast, and them Snowballs are starting to really get over. This is just for those who are already close to the age of collecting their heaven benefits. The real plan is to slowly phase it out altogether until once again we millennials are robbed of the benefits that our parents and grandparents took for granted. Dammit all that time wasted being good and pious in the hopes for an eternal afterlife in Heaven dashed! All you have to do for an eternity in Hell is eat meat on a Friday during Lent. Occupants of heaven will now be limited to three square feet of cloud and a part-time, freelance cherub with prerecorded electronic harp music. 

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Review All Rappers Go To Heaven Tee

There is a workaround: simply exit the Kingdom and gain entrance again. Turns out there's no limit to return entries, as long as you don't overstay. But good luck earning another afterlife in Heaven with whatever you reincarnate into. Does that apply to both heaven and hell? I’d think that it’d be far greater cost saving considering how many more people are in hell. and make sure you don't accidentally wash off the UV hand stamp after you leave the park or you're looking at another literal lifetime of waiting in the line for another admission ticket. HA! you may have fooled me with the social security, but you won’t fool me twice; I’ve been f cking evil, and it has been fun! Oh, that’s just great - and I bet there’s no refund for my past penitence. Well I’ll show you, Heaven! I’m going to start committing 500 billion years worth of sins right now!!! Not good enough. I could still procrastinate a lot of things 500 billion years. And you could easily waste 300 billion years on just the video games made by Bethesda and Rockstar.  I hear the Bodhisattvas are also contemplating fast tracking the granting of Nirvanas to deal with the rising costs of reincarnation; they hadn't anticipated that 7 billion humans would appear so rapidly. God just had to get into a trade war with those deities from the eighth dimension.
It seems the omniscient one overlooked the sustainability of the imposed tariffs.

By the time Morningstar Holdings stepped in and bought up the outstanding debt it was too late to avoid the austerity measures.
A source close to Gabriel tells us.  At the end of the 500 billion year term you can fill out an application for an additional 500 billion year term, but for some reason most people forget to do that. I've heard you can buy an annual Heavenmembership package for every year after the first 500 billion, but even the angels say that God's prices are fucking ridiculous, and they'd rather cease instead. I thought they would enforce stricter immigration laws. As is aren't there thousands of priests and nuns who are ineligible? Eternal life happens instantly. You cannot understand that. Obviously.You are finite, me too. You have to dissolve to know eternity. Been thinking of those I have lost in the last 24 months. Miss you all so much Gerry ,Helen, Cheryl, Virginia, Linda, and Cliff.You all touched my heart at a very deep level and I miss our talks and out visits. Been seeing lots of butterflies and feathers and squirrels so I know my guardian angels are near.Love ya all and \i hang on to those beautiful memories.
