#SchoolsNotPrisons Ladies Shirt

Wow- I think some of you have forgotten how important the bond is between mother and child. Everyone screws up- some more than others. Def not an ideal solution but it is something to consider.. I just worry about the crazy in prison.. Id rather if a drug offense or non violent, house arrest or halfway house...seems more safe to me. Jeff - I don't understand what you say... how is Holly sick? It appears to me as though William is the sick one... feeding people into a wood chipper... I agree with Holly. Punishing a BABY by removing him/her from the mother because s/he happened to be born while his/her mom is in prison can have lasting negative effects well into adulthood. You want to ensure that the next generation doesn’t repeat the same mistakes? Keep babies with their moms as infants when crucial brain development occurs and to alleviate attachment issues, among other reasons. The baby doesn’t have a choice so it is up to other adults familiar with what is best for the child in this stage of development to decide for him/her.

You can buy it here: #SchoolsNotPrisons Shirt

Review #SchoolsNotPrisons Ladies Shirt 

 Perhaps you should study child development before you comment about what is best for children. Oh, and perhaps consider that your opinion may not be considered legitimate if you don’t have a uterus, and therefore have never experienced birthing and bonding with a child. Thanks.  This isn't about the cases of the mothers. It's about ending the cycle of incarceration through compassion and family bonding. Sara Moore your so perfect .. U know the US has the highest incarnation rate in the world . You ever think our laws are unjust .. or you just blindly follow. @Sara...reading is key. Some of these mothers were incarcerated while pregnant. Again, this isn't about what they did as much as it is about seeing the big picture and how many lives are impacted by their absence. I know it is difficult for you to focus, but try. Sara Moore keep waving that flag .. Good old red white and blue .. Freedom and justice for those that can afford it .. Ending the cycle of incarceration by not committing crimes anymore? Wouldn’t that be a fucking novel idea? @William W. Cope if you grew up without a mother, where would you be? What would you learn? Who would teach you right from wrong? Is this starting to sink in? 

This shirt is from: https://photoxtee.com/
