Grandma Life Is The Best Life Shirt

 This guy must be having the time of his life.. and she must be one of the few grandmas that ACTUALLY spend a decent amount of time with a grandchildren.. she's amazing.. I wish I could hug her . For 55 years I struggled with fitted sheets & the sheets fianny won! Now, as them come out of the dryer I roll them into a ball and throw them on the shelf! Life can have its struggles, but sheets won't be one of them! As I read many of your responses , it's beyond me.....this cute gal is having a little fun . Sooooo many of you can't seem to lighten up & learn to laugh ! IT'S A FUN JOKE !!!! I applaud her for her humor ! ' nuf said !  I use the method in the video all the time now. I get my wife to get in with me as well and we fold it in half the time..and more fun 

You can get it here: Grandma Life Is The Best Life Shirt

Review Grandma Life Is The Best Life Shirt

 I have an easier way. I just take a clean one from the dryer and take it to a stripped bed and put it on immediately! Easier peasier!!!  I fold fitted sheets all the time & it's easier than that. Less trouble & time consuming. I simply fold my sheet in half over the bed, so it doesn't land on the floor. Then, I fold it half length wise & fold it again & again, until it's the size I want. Easy!!! LOL I don't need instructions either!! LOL.  It was a JOKE , she's simply giving us ( some of us ) a little opportunity to smile, MAYBE even laugh. i have a much easier way, i roll them up, you are going to just put them on the bed, no one looks at the sheets, they are clean, and who cares, i would get stuck in the sheets, and couldnt get off the floor, maybe she could just lay there covered up for a nap. She moves better than me, and I think her's ended up a mess anyhow. I wouldn't have been able to get up off the floor. We have cats (temporarily) but I'd have cat hair all over them. Dryer to bed is my fav way. Ha ha too much effort, I just roll top/bottom together, stuff them with case into other case and put them in the linen closet. Yes they come out wrinkled, oh the horror, who cares they will 'iron out' on the bed. 

