Beyonce Venom TShirt

Woman with perfect body and million dollars diets and coaches tells us she has an imperfection but she’s bravely accepting it. *Tiny violin playing* Money buys you people to look after your kids so you can work out, have a personal trainer and the best foods. That's what difference money makes. Clare Glenister Not true at all. My bro and law participates in body building and he broke. McDonald's it's expensive, eating out it's expensive. In the past I lost weight eating rice, beans, green beans(cans) nothing but water(FREE) or bottled. Tuna(cans) $3 for 4 of them. I bought small salad bags $.99 cents, limes because I cousknt afford the lemons 3 for $1. And I walk with my kids all over the park. Lost 50 pounds in 5 months. perfect body? Any instagram model can beat Beyonce, she's got a pretty bum, which looked appealing a decade ago, and that's all. Emily Ratajkowski , Candice swanepoel and Nicole scherzinger have perfect body not fatty Beyonce. Beyonce took too much 20.000$ champagne bath. 

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Review Beyonce Venom TShirt

That’s probably what messed up her skin.🙄 I can’t believe the craziness around her with people saying she’s a role-model. She uses the yearly salary of a factory worker when she pours champagne into her jacuzzi but she’s a life model ? Stop giving attention to that kind of people or listening to the stupidities they can say to « inspire » the 99% which she isn’t part of. Amy Ortiz lol, not everyone gets fat from eating McDonalds and eating out you know. Leaner cuts of meat cost money, high quality goods and seafood costs money. Many people work so getting time out of your day to take a walk isn't always an option, evenings are full of homework, cooking and kids activities - if you don't have to do hat then that's great for you but that isn't the reality for most people who are trying to juggle work, the home and children. Wow she normalizes "mummy pouches" you're so in touch with us mothers out here. What amazing news. I like how Beyonce said she went "through hell and back," worried about how society is going to view her. AWWWW!!! I'm sure that billion dollars helps you get through the struggles of post-pregnancy B. Poor you. Han Zeilboot nah that's because successive governments increasingly pander to the rich and to corporations with tax breaks and loopholes while the millionaire media moguls continue to flood you with misinformation, in order to make you vote for the same governments that ensure the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

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