Are you looking for: Rob Zombie’s Three From Hell Free Baby TShirt?

I served in The USAF my daughter serves in the Army the right to express our freedom is a gift given to us by all people who have served. We should be able as U.S. citizens to use that right as we see fit. I too am a USAF veteran and I totally agree if we didn’t fight for the rights of free speech and the freedom of expression, we were wrong to serve-end of story. I’m completely done with the NFL.
No DirecTV NFL package this year. The NFL is ok with domestic violence, DUI, PEDs, drug abuse and theft, but chastises the use of first amendment right.
It’s not about the troops. Stop adding that b*llshitty strawmanargument.
I served honorably in the USAF (enlisted) and as an officer in the USN 🇺🇸 . I still take a knee because I know that it’s about injustice: not about the flag.

If you’re more pissed at a player for kneeling than you are about an unarmed man or boy being shot in the back, then you’re part of the problem. I will continue to take a knee until things change. Jared Ross You're a rude, hateful individual. People like you are a part of the problem. You can't accept anyone with a difference of opinion. Smh. Hey millionaires pick a school in your town. Go to the upper grades classes and tell the kids if you respect your parents and teachers do all your homework on time for a quarter you'll give them tickets to a game and 50 bucks for spending money if they qualify. Try to UK understand when you take a knee for injustice you taking for justice trump is not interested in justice he is a dictator so everyone who takes a knee is prostesting him personally. The first amendment DOES work on the job. If someone tries to make you pray on the job, you have the right not to. 

You want this shirt? Grab it now: Rob Zombie’s Three From Hell Free Baby Shirt

Meaning of Rob Zombie’s Three From Hell Free Baby TShirt

The Anthem, The Pledge and other acts of allegiance to the USA are ONLY MANDATORY in the military or military—type activities. Charles Edward York I think he's intelligent enough to create his own job with his millions. Seems competent to me. Who will take the knee for the injustices citizens do onto other citizens? Who will hold them accountable much like the very few cases of police injustices? There are way more crimes committed by citizens than there are by police officers.

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Also while im on that subject do you even know how many unlawful police shootings there have actually been? Dont let the media drive your life, read real statistics not what the media wants you to think. David O.D. Allan Holson Do police choose to go into a field knowing their lives are on the line? Yes, they do. I hate that argument. Protest injustice in the government and law but stand in line for the free checks every first of the month. Priorities. I think I speak for all veterans when I say we don’t give a flying f**k if you sit or stand. That’s what we fought for right? The justice system needs to be fixed and police brutality needs to stop if this shine more light on it I’m all for it! It’s only a problem to people who have never served to be honest! Keep it up Jurrell Casey! I will definitely be buying a jersey! Amen to that. Not one soldier at Fort Meade has ever said they felt kneeling during the anthem was disrespectful. Any “soldier” I’ve spoken to encourages Americans to use the rights they’ve fought for. You are spot on. Actually I think your “speak for all” is why there is so much issue. If I see it as disrespect to my family who served that’s what I feel. 

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