You Actually Fall In Love With An Image TShirt

Unbelievable and unbearable the level of idiocy in the posts here.

Climate change is the problem.
We are causing it.
Fix the problem.  Ron Russell Myers Worse then humans? Vilcanos have always been around. Out of 12 hours of the “planet being” we have been here for 1 minute. So easy to put blame on something else so you can sleep easy.. As always it takes me less then a minute to find the info I need... Then they say “well you cant just believe that” or something.  Diana Elzinga ur right we should not have exclusive control or power like that. I am sorry to say tho that literally every single "science" around lately says ur wrong and frankly I trust my scientists more than u. Yes, we are causing in acceleration in climate change. It's basically fact at this point. The only reason people deny it, is they know that admitting the truth will impact their wallets and lifestyle negatively.

But, at this point it's almost too late anyways. Fertile soil will be cut in half by 2050, and the lack of food and water by then will cause enough global conflict to wipe us out before 2100. The anti-climate change narrative is still running full speed in America. After all the ice melts and even if human kind dwindles towards extinction they will still be saying "we didn't cause this". If you want to be amazed by comments go to NASA’s page and read all of the comments by the flat-earthers. I’m majoring in astronomy so I’ll have to deal with these idiots here that think climate change is fake and the idiots that think the earth is flat. 

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Review You Actually Fall In Love With An Image TShirt

Plain old greed. They want to ignore the problem, bash science....and then expect science to come up with a miracle once it's too late.  What went wrong is that you tired to pass it off as something it wasn't. You took a picture of a sick bear and said 'this is climate change.' I remember when this picture made the rounds the first time and the bulk of the constructive criticism was aimed at the fact that animals get old, they get sick and they die. Calling every skinny animal proof of climate change is disingenuous and misleading. If your intention was to show what something could look like than you should have said that from the outset. Trying to backtrack it now only makes you look worse. You are now shifting the blame from what you did and putting it onto nameless faceless others for the narrative that resulted from it. 

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Sorry but you created that conversation the minute you exploited the suffering of this bear to push your own personal agenda. Well HERE YOU FUCKING GO THEN.
Might want to keep in mind that despite how mich you said you still do not know %100 so it is most likely better for the cause to shup up and read before you blow up and try to sound like we can trust you. PUTTING YOUR OWN “agenda” WITH SUCH CONFIDENCE WILL MISLEAD PEOPLE INTO THINKING YOU ARE RIGHT. People were bitching because “who knows the story he could be sick and old”. Or they just say “anything could be happening”. No where did they call "every skinny animal proof of climate change" as you suggest. That's quite exaggerated and dramatic. There is also no shift in blame but an article acknowledging NG's potentially inaccurate editorial captioning of this image. Being outraged at NG for correcting the record is simply silly and outrageous. I still don't understand the backlash that these photographers got for this. 

From: Photoxtee
