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We are aware of comments indicating that an armed member of the Northampton Police Department responded to this call. This is not the case. Campus Police responds to all on-campus calls, 24-hours a day, 365 days per year. Campus Police are not armed. Krystal. I wonder why you think you know more about their job than the experienced professionals on the ground? Krystal and Jessica—For heavens sake, I live in a *country* where the ordinary cop on the streets does not carry a gun! Why on earth would you want the Smith campus to adopt the gun-sickness of American culture? Krystal O'Keefe This is a campus. They are campus police. Who would need a gun? I hope there are no campus police with guns on any campus. It is supposed to be a place for learning. Jessica Ashley This is not a “school”. This is college. Filled with adults. And Mass does not have the ludicrous carry laws that other states do that allow students to bring guns.  Todd Bater Apparently yes. Massachusetts is known for being a racist state. And we don’t seem to be progressing away from that. We have received multiple requests to release the name of the individual who called Campus Police. Under college policy, any campus police records that are released must redact the names of parties involved. This policy recognizes the potentially adverse consequences of releasing identifying information, especially in those cases where doing so may discourage the use of this critical safety resource.  Don't you think that people *should* be discouraged from using a "critical safety resource" to endanger their fellow students and employees? If there are no consequences for the caller who is afraid of a woman eating lunch, what's the deterrent? How can your minority students and employees feel safe in such an environment?  While I appreciate the fast response, does the college have larger plans to offer training to the staff and students about diversity at Smith. 

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Calling the police because someone “seems out of place” is over the top and unacceptable, especially since the caller could not even be bothered to talk to the student and ensure that she was in fact out of place. Please publicize the results of your efforts. I agree. I think there are two things happening here. The first is that the reporter felt like the appropriate action was to call security. The second is the bias of the reporter that assumed as a person of color she must be out of place.
Both need to be addressed by the college. Yes!!! The investigation and resulting actions MUST be transparent! Diversity training doesn't "fix" racism - the reporting party (Smith staff member) does not belong on the Smith campus! Margaret Thompson do we know if the student was reported because of race or because they looked lost, or incoherent or unkempt? Might not have been purely skin color..... maybe she was doing something odd? 

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Just curious. Barbara Ozolins Clouse I have seen a video of her interaction with the police. looks like she was just hanging out quietly eating lunch. Afte reading student account mentioned her gender was identified as a "black male". This issue is transectional optics of being mis apprehended and totally unacceptable. Can Smith please release whether the employee report (name redacted) used black male as the identifier? Barbara sounds like one of those “good” liberals who can always find a way to rationalize racism. Unkempt? Is that now a reason to call the cops? Have you seen the way college kids dress??? Not bothered or trained not to confront. Current society is fear based. “See something, say something” is an instruction employers and society uses as a mantra. 

