Lebron James Cry Baby Shirt

Guys please, just get PG and resign IT and Randle ! We don't want or need Lebron! True basketball / lakers fans just want to see this team develop and play good team basketball! We don't care about the easy way to the playoffs and the finals, we want to rebuild our Lakers Dynasty and with 34 year old lebron in max contract we obviously won't do that..we will just be a contender for 1-2 years and then we start from scratch once again... In your opinion pg won’t sign to the lakers if he is the only proven player it not enough he can shoit but can’t guard besides you don’t know whe he is going back to play basketball from injury i would rather sign both sign randle and next year trade randle to make a cap space for kawhi. Lonnie Thompson lebron isnt fun to watch... hell ruin team chemistry no to lebron people that want lebron wants everything easy in life lol. Jason Tang lol right they want you to give them the answers to the test. They want that magic pill to lose weight instead of actually getting in the gym. Hopefully this doesnt happen ! Cp3 is in declining stage. Lbj is gonna decline in a year or 2 at this age. I hope they sign paul george max and lebron 1 year contract to see if things work out or not. I like cousins and paul george together too Kevin Yeo/ We don’t want a 34 year old LeBron on a max contract and we don’t want a 33 year Mr Glass. I’ll pass, give me PG with the young guys.  Chris Paul has progressively been injured all season long and every single time at a crucial time in the playoffs for a number of years in a row. Shades of Steve Nash. This is insane.  I don’t want any of these dudes. George, Paul orLeBron. The Lakers have a chance to create their own identity. Build your team with under 30 players. There’s strength in numbers!

You can get it here: Lebron James Cry Baby Shirt

Review Lebron James Cry Baby Shirt

Had this article been written 6-7 years ago, maybe I'd be a fan of the idea, only because CP3.. but having watched him on the Clippers and never having wanted Lebron on the Lakers, presently this idea is a HELL NO. I’ve been a Lakers fan for as long as I can remember...I had issues with when Shaq came over from Orlando.... but Lebron coming to LA???? No way!!! I will become a Celtics fan....Description: https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/fc6/1.5/16/1f610.png  Keep dreaming lakers.. lebron will never go to west. He will stay in the east and get paul george or dorozan and deandre Jordan. Lebron has been wanting to sign with the lakers since the beginning of the season. I know a guy that works on his finances. He’s gonna be in la this summer. There’s no way the lakers are gonna turn him down so just get use to him being here for a couple years. I just hope we get #1 kahwahi #2 Pg13 and maybe Chris Paul. Hopefully we don’t gotta get rid of anyone to get these guys tho. We have 2 max contract options open. Let’s see what we get. Just stop lol...”BREAKING: Wilt Chamberlain exploring coming out of retirement to team up with Magic Johnson,LeBron, Kobe, and Kareem on the Lakers.” 

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Laker Nation got so old so quickly. Unfollowed.  I hope not. We dont need CP3. In life 3 things are certain...Death, Taxes, and CP3 getting hurt when the chips are on the line. All they need is Paul George to join them CP3, Bron and leave Ingram Randle and Cuz the rest can go unless Lonzo wants to be a back up. I hope not. Lakers don’t need aging stars to win Expressions Of Bumgarner T Shirt . if Lebron wants to play with CP3 he should just go to Rockets. C'mon man!!! We ALL know this isn't gonna happen!LeBron is ONLY gonna go to a contending team that will for sure make it to the Finals. I LOVE my Lakers, but they're not ready yet.LeBron wants NOW. it would probably get denied anyway just like when they tried to get CP3 alone because only the warriors are allowed to have those kind of trades. Description: https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/fc8/1.5/16/1f612.png If we can keep RJ and the young core plus get LBJ and PG we will win next yr ... I really believe every one is under estimating this lakers young team . We are that good . Or we just stay put and get these young guys mins .. what you all think.  I disagree with this only because Chris Paul trade got denied when Kobe was still playing with lakers by owner of nba. While you are it, why not, a package oflebron, pg13, durant, curry, klay, embid, cp3, harden throw kyrie as well.  I'm not really sold out on Ball but I would rather give that kid another 
Ovechkin Never Kneel Shirt than sign an old, declining, injury-prone Cris Paul. If this was 5 years ago, this might work.  Impossible, if he want to team up with CP he will go to Houston lol but I think Blazers will aslo be a good pick for LBJ. Boils down to LeBron going to the best opportunity. Armchair GM coming in. For the lakers I'm not sure ill be interested in Chris Paul, he is often hurt and aging PG. Lonzo Ball put up decent rookie numbers and Josh Hart show be a serviceable back up, so the Lakers I think fine at point guard. I've been more of advocate of getting 1 star player in LA that's Paul George. Resign Randal, Lopez and IT (on a decent contract, not over pay) sign PG. You can't tell me that's not a playoff team. I think that team improves from a 35 win team to a 45 win team. Now if they can swing resigning Randal, Lopez and PG also LeBron (I can totally see a 3 year contract with player option in year 3, front loaded) I can see that being a 50-55 win team. 

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