Premium Club Dub Bears Shirt

CLUB DUB Bears Shirt
CLUB DUB Bears Shirt

T Shirt Description

Club Dub Bears Shirt is available in all styles. You can see some images about this design bellow:
NOTE: You can see the official design of Club Dub Bears Shirt at Photoxtee here:
CLUB DUB Bears Ladies Shirt
Ladies Shirt
CLUB DUB Bears Sweater
CLUB DUB Bears Sweater
CLUB DUB Bears Hoodie
CLUB DUB Bears Hoodie

What do Club Dub Bears Sweater and Hoodie mean?

Prayers for the all affected by this Club Dub Bears Shirt tragedy. Most devastating. May no parent ever outlive their child again. Horrible. And yes, the geo technology available in the Atlantic isn't in Indonesia. Unthinkable. More reason to show why God doesn't exist as if he did he could have built a world where natural disasters don't happen. Praying won't actually help anyone, but at the same time it won't harm anyone either. It will make the person doing it make themselves feel better about themselves. And some stupid comments too.better think before typing, you may hurt many people who still in grief. Have a little bit respect, human. There are many people dying coz of this tsunami and earth quake in Indonesia. Knowing that this country is prone to such natural disaster why are they still living near the beach area. Can't they all move to a higher ground. 
Available here.

Meaning of Club Dub Bears Shirt and Tank Top

This is a way to get people to think aww that's sad and maybe donate or whatever. Nobody would have cared if you died. Because it makes it hit home more when it's someone people 'know'. It's tragic and horrible no matter who it happens to but when you hear numbers that's what they are to the majority, numbers. It's not that people don't care but you can't put faces on statistics. By giving people a face they know that has been effected it makes it more real. This is also a good example of how quickly tsunami appear and destroy. I hope the missing are found safe and that the people of Indonesia can rebuild their lives. I pray for the comfort of all the family who lost their loved ones, May the Lord gives you courage and hope to all those are are victim of this tragedy. Indonesia is a beautiful country. From Bali to Java, Lombok to Flores, Rinca, Komodo, Iran Jaya, Sulawesi, Timor and beyond. Some of the most beautiful and amazing landscapes, waterways, and friendliest people on Earth. 9 extended visit and explorations are never enough. Thus is a Club Dub Bears Shirt time for the people of Indonesia. 
